Issues Survey
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Are you optimistic about the future of Saint Joseph, MO

What issue is most important to you relating to the upcoming local elections?

What district do you live in?

What excited you most about living in Saint Joe?

Any other comments?


In total 83 submission
Issues that matter
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Are you optimistic about the future of Saint Joseph, MO
83 submissions
What issue is most important to you relating to the upcoming local elections?
82 submissions
"Other" answers
I want people with a backbone to interpose against the fed and state insanity.
safety /drugs
School system
It is not homelessness. It is Drugs and Alcohol. Vagrancy and panhandling.
All the above
The wackjob Trump conservatives and conspiracy theorists who seem to dominate local politics. Also Kenneth Reeder, and whoever he answers to.
Voting guide websites that link to crap Prager U videos.
All of the above. They are ALL important issues!
Mental Health, Harm Reduction Friendly Community
Making St. Joseph a less backward place to live.
The lack of strong leadership to properly deal with all the issues facing our community.
All of these matter
The overreach of churches in our government
need truth everywhere
anti LGBTQ+ need to go!
Separation of church and state.
All of the above
Keeping St Joe the wonderful safe conservative city it's always been
crime homelessness and corruption/waste dealing with these
What district do you live in?
67 submissions
What excited you most about living in Saint Joe?
79 submissions
"Other" answers
live just outside of St. Joe
None. City is not forward thinking
Reasonable cost of living
I grew up here.
I live here. I am not particularly excited to live here. I am here, and I participate in my community for the betterment of all.
Freedom from religion
I love living in a city that sided with the CSA in the Civil War. It is a legacy that blights the culture and people of this region. In case it is not obvious, the first sentence is sarcasm.
Job opportunities.
I was born here and have lived here my whole life. I don't feel very excited about living here and the way things are headed. I would like to get out.
Building a healthy community dedicated to inclusion and equity for all.
I wasn't that excited when I moved here. Followed spouse's job.
Parkway, bike trails
Job opportunities close to small home town
Very little.
All of it
Low cost of living
Sorry I want to like it but St Joe is becoming a dump.
Meeting people from all different cultures and backgrounds and respecting those differences
Living close to work
Any other comments?
29 submissions
government is supposed to protect liberty and rights of the people. roads and sewers are secondary and in fact, should probably be privatized.
St Joseph no longer is a safe town with great schools to raise your children.
St Joseph has a low tax base. We need to build that up as we don\'t have the revenue to provide services that the community is asking for. Between crime and drug houses in the neighborhoods, I don\'t want to stay in St. Joseph to retire. It is not safe. We need to revitalize the old neighborhoods.
Get the crime under somewhat control. Punish the criminals so it will send a message to other criminals to maybe stop. Drug abuse is out of control!!
St Joe has been a nice place to raise a family but have seen a decline in school system and increase in crimes like shootings and car thefts
The future of this city begins with optics. Must wage a war on crime, drugs, homelessness, poor education et al.
To Whom it may concern,
I got an impression from God in 2014 that I needed to get involved politically. Christians in Civics. Immediately I met opposition intellectually and spiritually. But where to start “rendering unto Caesar” in the Twenty-first Century?
The last time I voted in California it had one useful voting tool provided by the Secretary of State—a voters guide. Provided at taxpayer expense that named each candidate by party. Included each Party\'s platform and candidate statements. All statutory Initiatives, Amendments, and legislation requiring voter approval provided the complete text of each, with legislative analysis broken down by how the Assembly and Senate passed it, cost / savings to the State, and pro and con arguments by who supported each side. I don\'t know if they have done this since I moved to Missouri in 2004, but I missed it.
There is very little information on candidate stances and Initiatives / Amendment analysis in Missouri. I was reduced to watching yard signs and Union Halls to determine a course of action. I believe each voter needs to be informed and study the issues, candidates, legislation, and who is paying to support or oppose these factors. Recently my pastor announced that, after the same frustration on voter education, we have a new local voter guide at: . Vote Saint Joe is a great start after so many years of praying and crying out for reliable voter information. I immediately shared with as many folks as possible.
Thanks to everyone involved. I\'m all in.
Count on me to help in any way possible from the simplest cash donation to cold calling candidates with survey questions. Any way I can volunteer, you got it. Those who are in Christ must occupy while living on this planet.
Every new year we think, “this year will be different” but usually nothing changes. The days blur by at an ever increasing pace and we end up just catching our breath instead of actually making changes. Unforeseen circumstances interrupt already busy lives causing even more delays. I spin my wheels waiting for: weather, health, misapplied payments, poor communication, emotions, shortages, numerous failures, etc. until yet another year has gone by.
Do we really want to see America lost to the same old historic oligarchy of elites and slaves? No liberty. No life and not the American way. The “democratically” elected “party” selling scientific sin of our fathers. And the church buying these philosophies of fools. What did the fool say in his heart?
This year AD 2022 must see a return of The King. Christ Likeness to my life and to the world. Let\'s call it The One Step Plan. Good News. All who are weary and carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders can only find relief in this step. Meet Christ personally. Changing me will change the world. Only a moral and virtuous people can exercise the freedom that our Founding Fathers provided. Providing an example politically is the best way to restore our Republic. Sincerely Bruce S. Brown
We need more Liberal Representation in St Joseph, Missouri. We\'re not all Trumpublicans.
We need more Progressive Initiatives such as Free Healthcare for All and separation of Government from Religion.
Stop trying to insert religious beliefs into our local government. While the country was founded on religious freedom founding fathers intentionally wrote the constitution to form a secular government. The people who founded our nation left their home countries seeking religious freedom and to be able to worship or not without interference from government. Stop trying to create a theocracy, especially when most political leaders hardly follownor practice the true tenets of most religious beliefs.
I appreciate your website telling me who is conservative. It tells me who not to vote for.
Masks, vaccinations are not political, they are science based ways to prevent illness. No one particular religion belongs in our schools, government or politics.
The great scholar David Bentley Hart once said this about Christian faith in the United States: \"Let me put it this way: Christianity never succeeded in America. Most Americans think of themselves as Christians. But the only religion in America that ever flourished was America.\"

I would ask the members of Grace Calvary Chapel what their real religion is.
Rank Choice Voting in Missouri
The city comes across as a cauldron for poorly-educated backwards people. It needs to appear to be more inclusive and have more to offer universally.
St. Joseph is very behind when it comes to social equity, inclusivity, diversity and green/sustainable practices. One reason I believe so many young people leave after high school. St. Joe is not forward thinking. There is a lack of diversity, especially age, color, and gender diversity among city officials keeping St. Joe stuck.

People in this town complain about crime, but won\'t support liberal candidates who understand that universal drug addiction/mental health care, universal healthcare, higher wages, and other stronger social safety nets such as tuition-free college help impoverished and low income communities where crime is often concentrated. Crime is a symptom of a fundamentally unequal society that can be lessened by doing those things. Yet, the majority of st. Joe is so conservative and want to keep it that way, are afraid of taxes, and support candidates who don\'t care about social issues nor are educated on systemic/structural inequality and why it exists that most liberal people understand. A lot of the candidates running are players for the wealthier business community and of a political ideology that people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps when so many people have barefeet.

Agree with other comments on here. Public policy should be created and voted upon in a secular manner, not based on religious beliefs. Separation of church and state. Christianity is only one of many religions in St. Joe. And I say that as a baptized person.

Reach out to or make some friends with gay people or transgender people to understand and be accepting. That\'s in line with WWJD. Suicide is highest among LGBTQ youth because so much of conservative/christian America society makes them feel there is something wrong with them.
I pray our School Board and new Superintendent will be strong leaders who focus on academic achievement,.
The SJSD Bosrd of Education must revoke the Policy (IGAB) of promoting all students regardless of academic achievement. The BOE and Administrators must require that capable students accomplish, at minimum, grade level expectations before advancing to the next grade level. 60%, 6,000, students tested below proficient on the 2018/2019 (pre-Covid) MAP assessment. These results are unacceptable and students must be held accountable to actively engage in learning.
Your site is so biased and terribly out of date . I think it is a shame for you to promote this site as a source of voter information when you clearly only support one point of view.
For a city of this size and location, we have inordinate amount of crime and blight. When I look at investing here, do I see a city on the up swing, or headed down? I unfortunately see a steady downward trajectory. Great parkway, cool architecture but backward thinking and lax enforcement of building codes and blight. St Joe\'s inner core resident are poor too lower income and don\'t appear to care for their city. The SJPS is untrusted and may never be fixed because of petty rivalry and corruption that goes way back. Why was the report paid for by tax payers on the St Joseph school district sealed? I know, because many of the people implement in potential wrong doing still work for the district. The college is money hungry and should never have been made a university. The police dept. is overworked, understaffed and has been for years, poorly lead. You better find a chief who is not a political hire, as in (has to be a minority or female). You had better find a strong leader, who can reach out to the community and create a bond, working with them to make tough and difficult decisions. Those decisions may not be to the liking of some in the central district and poor parts of town. Get your dang Code Enforcement people some training. Push to get those neighborhoods cleaned up. Make it uncomfortable for slum lords and criminals to live here. In short you need to change the entire culture of this city. That takes a long time, years. Because the community sets the standard and it appears our standard is pretty darn low.
Nothing any longer
Religion builds walls between people.
Stop preaching your faux outrage over faux social issues...non religious people are growing exponentially thanks to pearl clutches...we\'ve had enough
my daughter and family lives there and goes to grace calvary chapel
Religious, do-nothing bigots defaming involved community members just because they are gay.
If you want to be involved in politics then you need to pay taxes.My ancestors came here fighting for religious freedom.Your beliefs have no more business in our schools than devil worshippers beliefs.Religion has a place just not in our schools or local government.
I plan to Vote NO 4/2 election as the School district Plan is a theft of Taxes. No new Taxes, and let the school district accept the fact this city is Poor.
Very concerned about illegals coming into our town, just as I\'m concerned about the woke division with radical race division and grooming of children nationally just as I am concerned about all of the chaos coming here locally
I feel as though a decent chunk of the Boomer and Gen X population of St. Joseph (Democrats and Republicans alike) take for granted the conditions that made St. Joseph \"The City Worth While\". Older Democrats don\'t see the broader picture. They didn\'t understand strong families, traditional values, trade protectionism, industrialization, and religion helped keep St. Joseph thriving and would instead take a tone-deaf approach to social reform which aims to weaken these factors.

Older Republicans understand that removing these things is a problem, but ignore other problems, provide ineffective solutions, inadvertently support policies that encourage tearing apart the fabric of our community, and shun any form of state intervention in the economy.

I mean no disrespect to baby boomers or Gen X; contrary to popular opinion, old people ARE indeed COOL. But it must be said that a lot of older voters are operating from a golden age that no longer exists and it\'s my generation that has to deal with the repercussions. And I know it sounds intentionally vague not going after conservatives or liberals (because it is), but I need to stress that both parties are at fault. We the people of Saint Joseph can\'t operate solely on the Mainstream media talking points to inform our opinions; we need to take a hard look at the situation at hand.
I believe money is being misspent or stolen, we need outside regular audits possibly yearly of the city, county and school disteict